Copying to Clipboard

Windows only.

From the pop-up menu, choose Copy to clipboard to copy all or part of the graphic in the ActiveCGM Browser viewing area to the Windows clipboard. The image is saved in raster format and is the same size as currently displayed in the viewing area. Once you have copied an image you can paste it into other applications.

There are two items on the Copy to clipboard menu:

top.gif Top


Copying the Entire Window to the Clipboard

Choose Entire Window to copy all of the graphic in the viewing area.

To capture an image of everything currently visible in the viewing area

  1. Make sure the whole viewing area is visible.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Copy to clipboard > Entire Window.

top.gif Top


Copying a Region to the Clipboard

Choose Region to select, or "rubberband," a rectangular area to copy.

To capture part of the image currently visible in the viewing area

  1. From the pop-up menu, select Copy to clipboard > Region.

    The cursor changes to a cross:


  2. Specify a corner of the area you want to copy.

  3. Specify the second corner.

    As you move the cursor, you draw a rectangle. After you specify the second corner, the selected area is copied.

top.gif Top

prev.gif next.gif